Here's an alternative lyrical narrative for Pursuit of Happiness. .
Verse of chris
-From sunset to sunrise-
So much happens
Between this time
It’s hard to decide
If it’s a good time
And just when you think
It is a good time
Reality strikes you
With the silence of the world

There is no sound of the blaring speaker anymore
No evidence of the boy riding his bicycle outside
No voice of the cars’ honking
And no contact with the human life

Its just you and your mind
Swimming and then drowning with thoughts
And you don’t know what you did
To make it such a bad time

And it goes on & on
Like an endless flame
Sometimes brighter
Sometimes dim

But the sun rises again
And there is a bit of hope
A ray of sunshine
That fills you with strength
But all it takes is a word or a thought
To kill that hope
And once again
You’re back there

Existing is not tough
It’s living that is
And the yellow blue sky
Makes you experience both
And i can’t fathom what’s happening
Distractions are only shortcoming
And before you know it
The sky is turning orange & black

And i’m back to where i was always at.
By- Khushi

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