Avengers Endgame - More than a movie, it's an emotion.

Guest article. 
Date- 30/04/2019

I went in not really knowing what to expect, i mean in true marvel fashion of course i had my own theories about what would happen. There was too much to keep track of, starting from the iron man movies and then to captain marvel. I think it's safe to say that everyone was in shock, i mean, c'mon, they had kinda defeated Thanos in the first 15 minutes, and they were defeated too, because well no infinity stones= no one coming back. Seeing my favourite heroes feel defeated, and everything was gloomy, it hit me a lil in the feels, but, oh boy, was i not ready for what was coming next, I don't think anyone was, revisiting all our favourites. 

The end of an era.
So it's been more than 24 hours since i first realized that Tony Stark is no more. I started crying, sounds lame, i know, mourning the death of a fictional character, I don't know what's more important here - my ability to feel for these characters as if they are humans or their ability to prove time and again that they, in fact are humans, these characters, who seem like your average superheros, i know, i know, two contradictory titles together, average and superheros, but the thing is they are both of these titles, Average and superheros. They're average because they are like me & you, i mean c'mon, Tony has anxiety, Peter blabbers when he's nervous and Steve can't get over that one person, he can't move on. But that's not the point, the thing is, they're heros because they have powers, they have abilities that make them different from us, but what makes them superheros is that they're just as human. They make mistakes, a shit ton of them, they fuck up, and then they sometimes lose hope, they lose the ones they love, they lose everything and they grow apart, they almost give up, but what matters is that they fight back. They have a gray moral compass, figuring themselves out along the way, growing as individuals, we saw Tony transform from a self centered billionaire to a rather phenomenal human being, a mentor, a father, a friend, the one who sacrificed himself. Gamora fought with her demons, her own self doubts; Natasha saved herself form the reds in her ledger and proved the power of friendship; Thor mourned the loss of everything he held close to his heart and was brave enough to be who he is and not what he is supposed to be. I could go on for a long time, writing about everyone and how they fought their battles and how i felt like i was fighting it with them, but well, again, that's not the point. The point is, Mr. Stark, thank you for everything, I love you 3000. 
Just another crazy fangirl 

It's not a movie review, but a letter to MARVEL thanking them for inviting us to be a part of this cinamatic universe. 
Good part- MCU Phase 4 rolling soon. 
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